How to Hear God's Voice – 72-Hour Replay

The message that has brought spiritual intimacy to over 1 million people worldwide

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Free access to our #1 bestselling videos!

All 10 sessions. 72 hours only.

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Only during this special event, don’t miss our best discount ever on the Hearing God’s Voice module from School of the Spirit!

Includes permanent access to to these streaming videos and so much more:

  • Complete set of MP3s
  • Downloadable copy of the videos
  • 300 page ebook
  • 48-page eworkbook
  • Coaching

Click here or scroll down this page to learn more.

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Session 1: Overview of the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice


Session 2: A Cultural Backdrop for Hearing God’s Voice


Session 3: Spiritual Intimacy – The Desire of God’s Heart


Session 4: Key #2 – Recognize God’s Voice as Spontaneous Thoughts


Session 5: How to Instantly Remove All Idols from Your Heart


Session 6: Key #2 – Become Still


Session 7: Key #3 – Look for Vision as You Pray


Session 8: How to Restore Your Visionary Capacity


Session 9: Key #4 – Two-Way Journaling


Session 10: A Tuning Dial – The Tabernacle Experience


Hearing God's Voice – School of the Spirit Module

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Save 50% during this event with coupon code HearingGod50


To Those Hungering for a Prophetic Word…

You Can ALL Prophesy! (1 Cor. 14:31)

For you can ALL prophesy one by one,
so that all may learn and all may be exhorted (1 Cor. 14:31).


Really? Me? I can prophesy? YES, that is clearly what the Bible declares, so we guarantee that we can train you how to confidently recognize God’s voice and as a result, easily function in the gift of prophecy. I had been a Christian for 15 years before I was able to operate in this gift of the Spirit because I didn’t know the simple steps I needed to take.

Do you believe there has to be MORE?

Photo of MarkIf you feel there has to be more, I agree. My name is Dr. Mark Virkler, and I am prepared to offer you a simple way to identify God’s voice within your heart on a daily basis, and best of all, it is easily transferable so you can teach others as well. Our interactive Spirit Life Module “Hearing God” has trained over 1 million people to daily hear God’s voice and see visions. In this special offer we are adding personalized coaching through an online discussion room where I will personally answer your questions and help you through any stumbling blocks.

Nothing I tried worked, as I sought desperately to hear God’s voice!

From age 15-25 I asked everyone I knew how to hear God’s voice. All they could say was, “You know that you know that you know.” Well, I didn’t know! And I was angry that they could not give me a real answer, because as far as I was concerned, that was NOT an answer! It was a very frustrating time in my life.

I tried numerous religious activities, but they didn’t usher in God’s voice

I prayed, I fasted (even a 40 day fast), I read my Bible (all the way through, several times), and I went to church numerous times a week. I listened for a booming bass voice but all that was inside me were thoughts. Just thoughts! No voice of God that I could discern. So why wasn’t the verse true in my life: “My sheep hear My voice”? God obviously was not lying. I definitely was one of His sheep. So why couldn’t I hear His voice?

A thought came to me – “Focus for a year on learning to hear God’s voice”

I honored the thought that drifted into my mind (I now recognize it was the voice of God), which suggested that I invest an entire year in learning to hear God’s voice. I was desperate. Jesus did only what He heard the Father speaking and saw the Father doing (Jn. 5:19,20,30). I so much wanted to be like Jesus. I wanted to heal the sick, cast out demons, hear the Father’s voice and see His visions.

So I decided that learning these skills was worth investing a year. I read everything in the Bible on hearing God’s voice and seeing vision. I purchased books on hearing God’s voice and went to conferences on hearing God’s voice. I experimented with hearing God’s voice.

Then God woke me up one morning and said…

Right in the middle of this year, God woke me up one morning with an audible voice and said, “Get up! I am going to teach you to hear My voice.”

I bolted straight up in bed, went to my office, and God opened up two verses of Scripture from Habakkuk chapter 2. These described four simple steps Habakkuk took in order to hear God’s voice. I tried them immediately. That day God spoke to me for five straight hours and I recorded it all on paper!

Wow! His voice changed everything!

After 10 years of searching, I finally experienced my breakthrough! Five hours of God speaking in just the first day of using these four keys! Talk about a transformation – everything changed! My wife said her marriage improved when I learned to hear God’s voice. My relationship with my children improved as did my relationship with myself, my friends and my colleagues. God taught me to love and accept myself, and to laugh again. He was always laughing when I met Him. He was having such a good time, and He told me to lighten up and have fun. Of course we all know that the Bible says that a merry heart does good like medicine. So yes, my health improved, as did my creativity.

I was now able to live out of the voice of God. Every morning I could spend time worshipping and using these four keys and I could record the things the Lord was saying to me.

Lives transformed by hearing God’s voice

Photo of TaraIt is now 35 years later and we have taught over a million people how to hear God’s voice. Tara said her ability to see visions was “opened up” through these four keys and because of them she was able to step into her prophetic mantle. Pastor Mike has discovered he can meet Jesus in heaven on a daily basis, and that Jesus will show him around as He speaks with him! This pastor even leads his congregation regularly into these throne room encounters. Mike led me into one of these heavenly adventures, and I now realize I can have these every day! We all can because the Bible says we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. So we learn to step into that reality, seeing it and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us.

Don’t you love it? I taught Pastor Mike the four keys, then he turned around and showed me how they could take me places I had never gone in my walk with God. Isn’t that the way it is supposed to be?

Photo of CherylNot only do my wife and children hear God’s voice and see visions, so does my granddaughter. She sees her two guardian angels on both sides of her and dialogues with them and knows their names. Seeing them present has removed the fear that was in her heart.

Another friend, Cheryl, has written novels and screenplays for Hollywood movies, and she has shared with me that her skill in doing this came from reading through our book Dialogue With God  seven  times.

A success rate greater than 95%

One pastor took a group in his church through this three month course on Hearing God, and even though 80% of them had been Christians for over 25 years, 97% said their intimacy with God had improved, and 95% said they could now hear God daily if they choose to.

How much is it worth to be able to hear God’s voice daily?

He is the best counselor in the universe, and He will counsel you FREE, every day (not $150/hour)! He offers wonderful counsel, healing, intimacy, creativity, guidance, protection and personal and interpersonal wholeness. How much is that worth? He promises that His rhemas are LIFE (Jn. 6:63) and if you hear His voice He will bless everything that concerns you, including your workplace. His voice causes you to become the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, and to lend and not borrow (Deut. 28:1-14 NKJV).

One lady who used these tools told me that she experienced more emotional healing in one 45-minute visionary encounter with the Lord than she had in 20 years of weekly counseling. I have heard hundreds of testimonies of heart wounds being instantly healed through an encounter with the Lord. How much is that worth?

His voice has led me to write 50 books, travel six continents for 35 years, and build an online university with 15,000 students in 127 nations. My Christianity has turned from a religion of laws into a relationship of intimacy. How much is that worth?

Our No Risk Guarantee – Experience “Lesson One” Absolutely FREE, right now!

We provide Lesson One of this dynamic course free of charge so you can discover for yourself if it is some stuffy armchair theology or real, down to earth, practical, engaging, and life-transforming truth.

Free Sample -- Lesson One -- Click Here

Didn’t the free sample convince you this is better training than anything you could have imagined?

We guarantee you will hear God’s voice! We can teach you in just three months what it took me a year to learn because I have gone ahead and prepared the way. God has revealed and guided me in laying out the four keys, and our exercises can easily and comfortably be completed as your daily devotions.

My daughter and I even co-host an online chat room where you can come and post your questions and get answers. As you get started, you can share your journaling so we can confirm if you are on the right track and it is indeed God speaking to you. We will become personal coaches to you during this three month training experience.

Look at ALL you will receive in this interactive Spirit Life Training Module!

  1. A 300-page ebook 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice, carefully detailing every step to hearing God’s voice and how to easily confirm it is the Lord speaking. It comes complete with daily exercises.
  2. 10 hours of MP3 and 10 hours of identical streaming video of me, Dr. Mark Virkler, teaching through the four keys to hearing God’s voice. This allows you to listen to the training over and over in your car, while exercising, and then in the evenings watch it together with your family or small group.
  3. A 48-page e-workbook which accompanies the 10 hours of instruction, allowing you to take notes, which deepens your learning experience.
  4. Coaching – Access to an online chatroom where my daughter and I will answer your questions and be a sounding board for your journaling. Wow! Now this is a personal touch to speed you on your way!

Don’t you think it’s time YOU team up and focus with a coach at your side?

There is no easier way to grow than to get into a group of like-minded people, and focus intently for three months, under the direction of the Holy Spirit and a coach who is ahead of you in the area you are pursuing. A cord of three is not quickly broken. You support one another through the training process and by “focusing intently” you become a doer of the word and not a hearer only (Jas. 1:25).

This is your chance to actually learn how to receive a prophetic word daily from the Lord, and fall in love with Him all over again, experiencing the rush that comes when He speaks words of life into your heart. These words enliven and heal every area of your life. Really, what could be better? All this for ONLY a $99 investment! Make TODAY YOUR DAY to step into the prophetic!

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